Tutorial: optimal binning sketch with binary target using PySparkΒΆ

In this example, we use PySpark mapPartitions function to compute the optimal binning of a single variable from a large dataset in a distributed fashion. The dataset is split into 4 partitions.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled", "true")

df = spark.read.csv("data/kaggle/HomeCreditDefaultRisk/application_train.csv",
                    sep=",", header=True, inferSchema=True)

n_partitions = 4
df = df.repartition(n_partitions)

We prepare the MapReduce structure

import pandas as pd
from optbinning import OptimalBinningSketch

variable = "EXT_SOURCE_3"
target = "TARGET"
columns = [variable, target]

def add(partition):
    df_pandas = pd.DataFrame.from_records(partition, columns=columns)
    x = df_pandas[variable]
    y = df_pandas[target]
    optbsketch = OptimalBinningSketch(eps=0.001)
    optbsketch.add(x, y)

    return [optbsketch]

def merge(optbsketch, other_optbsketch):

    return optbsketch

Finally, with the required columns, we use mapPartitions and method treeReduce to aggregate the OptimalBinningSketch instance of each partition.

optbsketch = df.select(columns).rdd.mapPartitions(lambda partition: add(partition)