Tutorial: optimal binning 2D with continuous target

To get us started, let’s load a well-known dataset from the UCI repository and transform the data into a pandas.DataFrame.

import pandas as pd
from tests.datasets import load_boston
data = load_boston()
df = pd.DataFrame(data.data, columns=data.feature_names)

We choose two variables to discretize and the continuous target.

variable1 = "AGE"
variable2 = "INDUS"

x = df[variable1].values
y = df[variable2].values
z = data.target

Import and instantiate an ContinuousOptimalBinning2D object class. We pass the variable names (coordinates x and y), and a solver, in this case, we choose the constraint programming solver.

from optbinning import ContinuousOptimalBinning2D
optb = ContinuousOptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2, solver="cp")

We fit the optimal binning object with arrays x, y, and z.

optb.fit(x, y, z)
ContinuousOptimalBinning2D(name_x='AGE', name_y='INDUS')

Similar to other OptBinning classes, you can inspect the attributes status and splits. In this case, the splits shown are actually the bins, but the splits name is used to maintain API homogeneity.

([[-inf, 37.25],
  [37.25, 76.25],
  [76.25, 92.29999923706055],
  [92.29999923706055, 98.25],
  [98.25, inf],
  [-inf, 37.25],
  [37.25, 76.25],
  [76.25, 92.29999923706055],
  [92.29999923706055, 98.25],
  [-inf, 37.25],
  [37.25, 76.25],
  [76.25, 98.25],
  [98.25, inf],
  [-inf, 37.25],
  [37.25, 76.25],
  [76.25, 92.29999923706055],
  [92.29999923706055, 98.25],
  [-inf, 76.25],
  [76.25, 92.29999923706055],
  [92.29999923706055, 98.25],
  [98.25, inf]],
 [[-inf, 3.9850000143051147],
  [-inf, 3.9850000143051147],
  [-inf, 3.9850000143051147],
  [-inf, 3.9850000143051147],
  [-inf, 6.080000162124634],
  [3.9850000143051147, 6.080000162124634],
  [3.9850000143051147, 6.080000162124634],
  [3.9850000143051147, 6.080000162124634],
  [3.9850000143051147, 6.080000162124634],
  [6.080000162124634, 6.659999847412109],
  [6.080000162124634, 6.659999847412109],
  [6.080000162124634, 6.659999847412109],
  [6.080000162124634, 16.570000171661377],
  [6.659999847412109, 16.570000171661377],
  [6.659999847412109, 16.570000171661377],
  [6.659999847412109, 16.570000171661377],
  [6.659999847412109, 16.570000171661377],
  [16.570000171661377, inf],
  [16.570000171661377, inf],
  [16.570000171661377, inf],
  [16.570000171661377, inf]])

The binning table

The binning table follows the same structure as the unidimensional binning, except for having two Bin columns, one for each variable (coordinate). The option show_bin_xy=True in method build combines both columns to obtain a single Bin column.

Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Sum Std Mean WoE IV
0 (-inf, 37.25) (-inf, 3.99) 43 0.084980 1317.3 9.113544 30.634884 8.102077 0.688516
1 [37.25, 76.25) (-inf, 3.99) 35 0.069170 1115.1 8.144242 31.860000 9.327194 0.645162
2 [76.25, 92.30) (-inf, 3.99) 10 0.019763 370.6 8.343644 37.060000 14.527194 0.287099
3 [92.30, 98.25) (-inf, 3.99) 2 0.003953 63.5 0.750000 31.750000 9.217194 0.036432
4 [98.25, inf) (-inf, 6.08) 2 0.003953 66.1 2.950000 33.050000 10.517194 0.041570
5 (-inf, 37.25) [3.99, 6.08) 27 0.053360 680.8 5.262706 25.214815 2.682008 0.143111
6 [37.25, 76.25) [3.99, 6.08) 36 0.071146 773.6 2.676002 21.488889 -1.043917 0.074271
7 [76.25, 92.30) [3.99, 6.08) 4 0.007905 84.8 2.388514 21.200000 -1.332806 0.010536
8 [92.30, 98.25) [3.99, 6.08) 1 0.001976 16.0 0.000000 16.000000 -6.532806 0.012911
9 (-inf, 37.25) [6.08, 6.66) 7 0.013834 232.3 5.962365 33.185714 10.652908 0.147372
10 [37.25, 76.25) [6.08, 6.66) 9 0.017787 286.0 8.119357 31.777778 9.244971 0.164436
11 [76.25, 98.25) [6.08, 6.66) 10 0.019763 326.8 8.488086 32.680000 10.147194 0.200537
12 [98.25, inf) [6.08, 16.57) 4 0.007905 65.5 2.246525 16.375000 -6.157806 0.048678
13 (-inf, 37.25) [6.66, 16.57) 23 0.045455 543.5 2.327610 23.630435 1.097628 0.049892
14 [37.25, 76.25) [6.66, 16.57) 49 0.096838 1086.8 3.434815 22.179592 -0.353214 0.034205
15 [76.25, 92.30) [6.66, 16.57) 40 0.079051 777.0 3.359967 19.425000 -3.107806 0.245676
16 [92.30, 98.25) [6.66, 16.57) 15 0.029644 264.7 4.036478 17.646667 -4.886140 0.144846
17 (-inf, 76.25) [16.57, inf) 16 0.031621 324.4 4.472765 20.275000 -2.257806 0.071393
18 [76.25, 92.30) [16.57, inf) 50 0.098814 912.5 8.416228 18.250000 -4.282806 0.423202
19 [92.30, 98.25) [16.57, inf) 71 0.140316 1286.2 10.093278 18.115493 -4.417313 0.619821
20 [98.25, inf) [16.57, inf) 52 0.102767 808.1 8.662280 15.540385 -6.992422 0.718589
21 Special Special 0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 -22.532806 0.000000
22 Missing Missing 0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 -22.532806 0.000000
Totals 506 1.000000 11401.6 22.532806 171.946019 4.808255

You can use the method plot to visualize the histogram 2D and mean curve. Note that the Bin ID corresponds to the binning table index. These are the key points to correctly interpret the plots belows:

  • Bins can only be rectangles. If a bin is composed by \(m\) squares, the Bin ID is shown \(m\) times.

  • The upper left plot shows the mean on the x-axis; the bin paths left-right.

  • The lower right plot shows the mean on the y-axis; the bin paths top-down.


Mean transformation

Now that we have checked the binned data, we can transform our original data into mean values. You can check the correctness of the transformation using pandas value_counts method, for instance. Note that both x and y are required, and a single array is returned with the transformation.

z_transform_mean = optb.transform(x, y, metric="mean")
18.115493    71
15.540385    52
18.250000    50
22.179592    49
30.634884    43
19.425000    40
21.488889    36
31.860000    35
25.214815    27
23.630435    23
20.275000    16
17.646667    15
32.680000    10
37.060000    10
31.777778     9
33.185714     7
21.200000     4
16.375000     4
31.750000     2
33.050000     2
16.000000     1
dtype: int64
z_transform_indices = optb.transform(x, y, metric="indices")
19    71
20    52
18    50
14    49
0     43
15    40
6     36
1     35
5     27
13    23
17    16
16    15
11    10
2     10
10     9
9      7
7      4
12     4
4      2
3      2
8      1
dtype: int64

If metric="bins" the bin ids are combined.

z_transform_bins = optb.transform(x, y, metric="bins")
[92.30, 98.25) $\cup$ [16.57, inf)     71
[98.25, inf) $\cup$ [16.57, inf)       52
[76.25, 92.30) $\cup$ [16.57, inf)     50
[37.25, 76.25) $\cup$ [6.66, 16.57)    49
(-inf, 37.25) $\cup$ (-inf, 3.99)      43
[76.25, 92.30) $\cup$ [6.66, 16.57)    40
[37.25, 76.25) $\cup$ [3.99, 6.08)     36
[37.25, 76.25) $\cup$ (-inf, 3.99)     35
(-inf, 37.25) $\cup$ [3.99, 6.08)      27
(-inf, 37.25) $\cup$ [6.66, 16.57)     23
(-inf, 76.25) $\cup$ [16.57, inf)      16
[92.30, 98.25) $\cup$ [6.66, 16.57)    15
[76.25, 98.25) $\cup$ [6.08, 6.66)     10
[76.25, 92.30) $\cup$ (-inf, 3.99)     10
[37.25, 76.25) $\cup$ [6.08, 6.66)      9
(-inf, 37.25) $\cup$ [6.08, 6.66)       7
[98.25, inf) $\cup$ [6.08, 16.57)       4
[76.25, 92.30) $\cup$ [3.99, 6.08)      4
[98.25, inf) $\cup$ (-inf, 6.08)        2
[92.30, 98.25) $\cup$ (-inf, 3.99)      2
[92.30, 98.25) $\cup$ [3.99, 6.08)      1
dtype: int64

Binning table statistical analysis

The analysis method performs a statistical analysis of the binning table, computing the Information Value (IV), Weight of Evidence (WoE), and Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI). The report is the same that the one for unidimensional binning with a continuous target. The main difference is that the significant tests for each bin are performed with respect to all its linked bins.

OptimalBinning: Continuous Binning Table 2D Analysis

  General metrics

    IV                       4.80825509
    WoE                    171.94601939
    WoE (normalized)         7.63091898
    HHI                      0.08094955
    HHI (normalized)         0.03917453
    Quality score            0.00000067

  Significance tests

    Bin A  Bin B  t-statistic      p-value
        0      1    -0.626279 5.330261e-01
        0      5     3.151772 2.418667e-03
        1      2    -1.747295 1.020375e-01
        1      6     7.166955 9.494930e-09
        2      3     1.973052 7.794888e-02
        2      7     5.476169 1.595659e-04
        3      4    -0.603998 6.445191e-01
        3      8    29.698485 2.142801e-02
        4     12     7.038328 3.332810e-02
        5      6     3.366820 1.818855e-03
        5      9    -3.226180 1.104060e-02
        6      7     0.226611 8.321374e-01
        6     10    -3.751024 5.101241e-03
        7      8     4.354171 1.437169e-01
        7     11    -3.907609 2.230164e-03
        8      4    -8.173675 7.750145e-02
        8     11    -6.214215 1.015749e-01
        9     10     0.399772 6.953661e-01
        9     13     4.145039 4.969267e-03
       10     11    -0.236693 8.157359e-01
       10     14     3.489521 7.419876e-03
       11     12     5.603629 1.405522e-04
       11     15     4.844244 7.355489e-04
       11     16     5.220987 2.298907e-04
       12     20     0.507489 6.204418e-01
       13     14     2.102164 3.968648e-02
       13     17     2.752663 1.203338e-02
       14     15     3.808928 2.644745e-04
       14     17     1.559713 1.337095e-01
       15     16     1.520196 1.429031e-01
       15     18     0.901478 3.705578e-01
       16     12     0.829910 4.281352e-01
       16     19    -0.295271 7.688809e-01
       17     18     1.239974 2.208911e-01
       18     19     0.079654 9.366502e-01
       19     20     1.517969 1.316990e-01

Mean monotonicity

The monotonic_trend_x and monotonic_trend_y options permit forcing a monotonic trend to the mean curve on each axis. By default, both options are set to None. There are two options available: “ascending” and “descending”. In this example, we force both trends to be “descending”, and a minimum bin size of 0.025 (2.5%).

optb = ContinuousOptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
                                  monotonic_trend_y="descending", min_bin_size=0.025)
optb.fit(x, y, z)
ContinuousOptimalBinning2D(min_bin_size=0.025, monotonic_trend_x='descending',
                           monotonic_trend_y='descending', name_x='AGE',
Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Sum Std Mean WoE IV
0 (-inf, 92.30) (-inf, 3.99) 88 0.173913 2803.0 8.870303 31.852273 9.319466 1.620777
1 [92.30, 98.25) (-inf, 16.57) 18 0.035573 344.2 5.806372 19.122222 -3.410584 0.121325
2 [98.25, inf) (-inf, inf) 58 0.114625 939.7 8.837625 16.201724 -6.331082 0.725697
3 (-inf, 37.25) [3.99, 6.66) 34 0.067194 913.1 6.300849 26.855882 4.323076 0.290483
4 [37.25, 92.30) [3.99, 6.66) 59 0.116601 1471.2 7.247437 24.935593 2.402787 0.280167
5 (-inf, 37.25) [6.66, 16.57) 23 0.045455 543.5 2.327610 23.630435 1.097628 0.049892
6 [37.25, 76.25) [6.66, 16.57) 49 0.096838 1086.8 3.434815 22.179592 -0.353214 0.034205
7 [76.25, 92.30) [6.66, 16.57) 40 0.079051 777.0 3.359967 19.425000 -3.107806 0.245676
8 (-inf, 76.25) [16.57, inf) 16 0.031621 324.4 4.472765 20.275000 -2.257806 0.071393
9 [76.25, 92.30) [16.57, inf) 50 0.098814 912.5 8.416228 18.250000 -4.282806 0.423202
10 [92.30, 98.25) [16.57, inf) 71 0.140316 1286.2 10.093278 18.115493 -4.417313 0.619821
11 Special Special 0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 -22.532806 0.000000
12 Missing Missing 0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 -22.532806 0.000000
Totals 506 1.000000 11401.6 22.532806 86.369184 4.482638
OptimalBinning: Continuous Binning Table 2D Analysis

  General metrics

    IV                       4.48263838
    WoE                     86.36918355
    WoE (normalized)         3.83304158
    HHI                      0.11090628
    HHI (normalized)         0.03681514
    Quality score            0.00064848

  Significance tests

    Bin A  Bin B  t-statistic      p-value
        0      1     7.652734 5.085335e-09
        0      3     3.479643 7.978542e-04
        0      4     5.177909 7.689996e-07
        1      2     1.627628 1.108228e-01
        1     10     0.553529 5.825586e-01
        3      4     1.338602 1.846378e-01
        3      5     2.722868 9.181932e-03
        4      1     3.497175 1.308292e-03
        4      6     2.591442 1.122681e-02
        4      7     5.089123 2.035925e-06
        5      6     2.102164 3.968648e-02
        5      8     2.752663 1.203338e-02
        6      7     3.808928 2.644745e-04
        6      8     1.559713 1.337095e-01
        7      1     0.206242 8.384742e-01
        7      9     0.901478 3.705578e-01
        8      9     1.239974 2.208911e-01
        9     10     0.079654 9.366502e-01
       10      2     1.147500 2.533428e-01

Mininum mean difference between consecutive bins

Now, we note that the mean difference between consecutive bins is not significant enough on the x-axis. Therefore, we decide to set min_mean_diff_x=2.0:

optb = ContinuousOptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
                                  monotonic_trend_y="descending", min_bin_size=0.025,
optb.fit(x, y, z)
ContinuousOptimalBinning2D(min_bin_size=0.025, min_mean_diff_x=2.0,
                           monotonic_trend_y='descending', name_x='AGE',
Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Sum Std Mean WoE IV
0 (-inf, inf) (-inf, 3.99) 92 0.181818 2932.6 8.688703 31.876087 9.343281 1.698778
1 (-inf, 37.25) [3.99, 6.66) 34 0.067194 913.1 6.300849 26.855882 4.323076 0.290483
2 [37.25, inf) [3.99, 6.66) 60 0.118577 1487.2 7.277258 24.786667 2.253860 0.267256
3 (-inf, 76.25) [6.66, 16.57) 72 0.142292 1630.3 3.196475 22.643056 0.110249 0.015688
4 [76.25, inf) [6.66, 16.57) 59 0.116601 1107.2 3.624755 18.766102 -3.766705 0.439201
5 (-inf, 76.25) [16.57, inf) 16 0.031621 324.4 4.472765 20.275000 -2.257806 0.071393
6 [76.25, 98.25) [16.57, inf) 121 0.239130 2198.7 9.436718 18.171074 -4.361732 1.043023
7 [98.25, inf) [16.57, inf) 52 0.102767 808.1 8.662280 15.540385 -6.992422 0.718589
8 Special Special 0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 -22.532806 0.000000
9 Missing Missing 0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 -22.532806 0.000000
Totals 506 1.000000 11401.6 22.532806 78.474743 4.544411
OptimalBinning: Continuous Binning Table 2D Analysis

  General metrics

    IV                       4.54441094
    WoE                     78.47474349
    WoE (normalized)         3.48268841
    HHI                      0.15422050
    HHI (normalized)         0.06024500
    Quality score            0.18196194

  Significance tests

    Bin A  Bin B  t-statistic      p-value
        0      1     3.560295 6.228004e-04
        0      2     5.432189 2.380140e-07
        1      2     1.445094 1.524836e-01
        1      3     3.681359 6.667794e-04
        2      3     2.117773 3.738699e-02
        2      4     5.726516 1.440551e-07
        3      4     6.420686 3.039622e-09
        3      5     2.006927 5.955795e-02
        4      6     0.607723 5.441768e-01
        4      7     2.499373 1.491463e-02
        5      6     1.492816 1.441306e-01
        6      7     1.782159 7.762179e-02