Tutorial: optimal binning 2D with binary target

As usual, let’s load a well-known dataset from the UCI repository and transform the data into a pandas.DataFrame.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
data = load_breast_cancer()
df = pd.DataFrame(data.data, columns=data.feature_names)

We choose two variables to discretize and the binary target.

variable1 = "mean radius"
variable2 = "worst concavity"
x = df[variable1].values
y = df[variable2].values
z = data.target

Import and instantiate an OptimalBinning2D object class. We pass the variable names (coordinates x and y), and a solver, in this case, we choose the constraint programming solver.

from optbinning import OptimalBinning2D
optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2, solver="cp")

We fit the optimal binning object with arrays x, y, and z.

optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(name_x='mean radius', name_y='worst concavity')

Similar to other OptBinning classes, you can inspect the attributes status and splits. In this case, the splits shown are actually the bins, but the splits name is used to maintain API homogeneity.

([[-inf, 13.704999923706055],
  [13.704999923706055, 15.045000076293945],
  [15.045000076293945, 16.925000190734863],
  [16.925000190734863, inf],
  [-inf, 13.09499979019165],
  [13.09499979019165, 13.704999923706055],
  [15.045000076293945, 16.925000190734863],
  [13.09499979019165, 13.704999923706055],
  [13.704999923706055, 15.045000076293945],
  [15.045000076293945, 16.925000190734863],
  [13.09499979019165, 13.704999923706055],
  [13.704999923706055, 15.045000076293945],
  [15.045000076293945, inf],
  [-inf, 13.09499979019165],
  [13.09499979019165, 13.704999923706055],
  [13.704999923706055, 15.045000076293945]],
 [[-inf, 0.20795000344514847],
  [-inf, 0.2604999989271164],
  [-inf, 0.20795000344514847],
  [-inf, 0.31530000269412994],
  [0.20795000344514847, 0.37815000116825104],
  [0.20795000344514847, 0.2604999989271164],
  [0.20795000344514847, 0.2604999989271164],
  [0.2604999989271164, 0.31530000269412994],
  [0.2604999989271164, 0.31530000269412994],
  [0.2604999989271164, 0.31530000269412994],
  [0.31530000269412994, 0.37815000116825104],
  [0.31530000269412994, 0.37815000116825104],
  [0.31530000269412994, inf],
  [0.37815000116825104, inf],
  [0.37815000116825104, inf],
  [0.37815000116825104, inf]])

The binning table

The binning table follows the same structure as the unidimensional binning, except for having two Bin columns, one for each variable (coordinate). The option show_bin_xy=True in method build combines both columns to obtain a single Bin column.

Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 13.70) (-inf, 0.21) 219 0.384886 1 218 0.995434 -4.863346 2.946834 0.199430
1 [13.70, 15.05) (-inf, 0.26) 45 0.079086 1 44 0.977778 -3.263040 0.386776 0.034251
2 [15.05, 16.93) (-inf, 0.21) 8 0.014060 2 6 0.750000 -0.577463 0.004257 0.000525
3 [16.93, inf) (-inf, 0.32) 21 0.036907 20 1 0.047619 3.516882 0.321930 0.027320
4 (-inf, 13.09) [0.21, 0.38) 48 0.084359 1 47 0.979167 -3.328998 0.422569 0.037010
5 [13.09, 13.70) [0.21, 0.26) 6 0.010545 1 5 0.833333 -1.088288 0.010109 0.001205
6 [15.05, 16.93) [0.21, 0.26) 6 0.010545 4 2 0.333333 1.214297 0.016108 0.001898
7 [13.09, 13.70) [0.26, 0.32) 4 0.007030 1 3 0.750000 -0.577463 0.002129 0.000262
8 [13.70, 15.05) [0.26, 0.32) 9 0.015817 5 4 0.444444 0.744293 0.009215 0.001126
9 [15.05, 16.93) [0.26, 0.32) 8 0.014060 7 1 0.125000 2.467060 0.074549 0.007501
10 [13.09, 13.70) [0.32, 0.38) 7 0.012302 3 4 0.571429 0.233467 0.000688 0.000086
11 [13.70, 15.05) [0.32, 0.38) 12 0.021090 7 5 0.416667 0.857622 0.016306 0.001978
12 [15.05, inf) [0.32, inf) 129 0.226714 128 1 0.007752 5.373180 3.229133 0.201294
13 (-inf, 13.09) [0.38, inf) 22 0.038664 11 11 0.500000 0.521150 0.010983 0.001358
14 [13.09, 13.70) [0.38, inf) 8 0.014060 5 3 0.375000 1.031975 0.015667 0.001876
15 [13.70, 15.05) [0.38, inf) 17 0.029877 15 2 0.117647 2.536053 0.165230 0.016450
16 Special Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
17 Missing Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 569 1.000000 212 357 0.627417 7.632482 0.533569
Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 13.70) $\cup$ (-inf, 0.21) 219 0.384886 1 218 0.995434 -4.863346 2.946834 0.199430
1 [13.70, 15.05) $\cup$ (-inf, 0.26) 45 0.079086 1 44 0.977778 -3.263040 0.386776 0.034251
2 [15.05, 16.93) $\cup$ (-inf, 0.21) 8 0.014060 2 6 0.750000 -0.577463 0.004257 0.000525
3 [16.93, inf) $\cup$ (-inf, 0.32) 21 0.036907 20 1 0.047619 3.516882 0.321930 0.027320
4 (-inf, 13.09) $\cup$ [0.21, 0.38) 48 0.084359 1 47 0.979167 -3.328998 0.422569 0.037010
5 [13.09, 13.70) $\cup$ [0.21, 0.26) 6 0.010545 1 5 0.833333 -1.088288 0.010109 0.001205
6 [15.05, 16.93) $\cup$ [0.21, 0.26) 6 0.010545 4 2 0.333333 1.214297 0.016108 0.001898
7 [13.09, 13.70) $\cup$ [0.26, 0.32) 4 0.007030 1 3 0.750000 -0.577463 0.002129 0.000262
8 [13.70, 15.05) $\cup$ [0.26, 0.32) 9 0.015817 5 4 0.444444 0.744293 0.009215 0.001126
9 [15.05, 16.93) $\cup$ [0.26, 0.32) 8 0.014060 7 1 0.125000 2.467060 0.074549 0.007501
10 [13.09, 13.70) $\cup$ [0.32, 0.38) 7 0.012302 3 4 0.571429 0.233467 0.000688 0.000086
11 [13.70, 15.05) $\cup$ [0.32, 0.38) 12 0.021090 7 5 0.416667 0.857622 0.016306 0.001978
12 [15.05, inf) $\cup$ [0.32, inf) 129 0.226714 128 1 0.007752 5.373180 3.229133 0.201294
13 (-inf, 13.09) $\cup$ [0.38, inf) 22 0.038664 11 11 0.500000 0.521150 0.010983 0.001358
14 [13.09, 13.70) $\cup$ [0.38, inf) 8 0.014060 5 3 0.375000 1.031975 0.015667 0.001876
15 [13.70, 15.05) $\cup$ [0.38, inf) 17 0.029877 15 2 0.117647 2.536053 0.165230 0.016450
16 Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
17 Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 569 1.000000 212 357 0.627417 7.632482 0.533569

You can use the method plot to visualize the histogram 2D and WoE or event rate curve. Note that the Bin ID corresponds to the binning table index. These are the key points to correctly interpret the plots belows:

  • Bins can only be rectangles. If a bin is composed by \(m\) squares, the Bin ID is shown \(m\) times.

  • The upper left plot shows the WoE/event rate on the x-axis; the bin paths left-right.

  • The lower right plot shows the WoE/event rate on the y-axis; the bin paths top-down.


Event rate / WoE transformation

Now that we have checked the binned data, we can transform our original data into WoE or event rate values. You can check the correctness of the transformation using pandas value_counts method, for instance. Note that both x and y are required, and a single array is returned with the transformation.

z_transform_woe = optb.transform(x, y, metric="woe")
-4.863346    219
 5.373180    129
-3.328998     48
-3.263040     45
 0.521150     22
 3.516882     21
 2.536053     17
 0.857622     12
-0.577463     12
 0.744293      9
 2.467060      8
 1.031975      8
 0.233467      7
-1.088288      6
 1.214297      6
dtype: int64
z_transform_event_rate = optb.transform(x, y, metric="event_rate")
0.995434    219
0.007752    129
0.979167     48
0.977778     45
0.500000     22
0.047619     21
0.117647     17
0.416667     12
0.750000     12
0.444444      9
0.125000      8
0.375000      8
0.571429      7
0.833333      6
0.333333      6
dtype: int64
z_transform_indices = optb.transform(x, y, metric="indices")
0     219
12    129
4      48
1      45
13     22
3      21
15     17
11     12
8       9
2       8
9       8
14      8
10      7
5       6
6       6
7       4
dtype: int64

If metric="bins" the bin ids are combined.

z_transform_bins = optb.transform(x, y, metric="bins")
(-inf, 13.70) $\cup$ (-inf, 0.21)     219
[15.05, inf) $\cup$ [0.32, inf)       129
(-inf, 13.09) $\cup$ [0.21, 0.38)      48
[13.70, 15.05) $\cup$ (-inf, 0.26)     45
(-inf, 13.09) $\cup$ [0.38, inf)       22
[16.93, inf) $\cup$ (-inf, 0.32)       21
[13.70, 15.05) $\cup$ [0.38, inf)      17
[13.70, 15.05) $\cup$ [0.32, 0.38)     12
[13.70, 15.05) $\cup$ [0.26, 0.32)      9
[15.05, 16.93) $\cup$ [0.26, 0.32)      8
[13.09, 13.70) $\cup$ [0.38, inf)       8
[15.05, 16.93) $\cup$ (-inf, 0.21)      8
[13.09, 13.70) $\cup$ [0.32, 0.38)      7
[15.05, 16.93) $\cup$ [0.21, 0.26)      6
[13.09, 13.70) $\cup$ [0.21, 0.26)      6
[13.09, 13.70) $\cup$ [0.26, 0.32)      4
dtype: int64

Binning table statistical analysis

The analysis method performs a statistical analysis of the binning table, computing the statistics Gini index, Information Value (IV), Jensen-Shannon divergence, and the quality score. The report is the same that the one for unidimensional binning with a binary target. The main difference is that the significant tests for each bin are performed with respect to all its linked bins.

OptimalBinning: Binary Binning Table 2D Analysis

  General metrics

    Gini index               0.96381005
    IV (Jeffrey)             7.63248244
    JS (Jensen-Shannon)      0.53356918
    Hellinger                0.66868014
    Triangular               1.62726969
    KS                       0.77651815
    HHI                      0.21836787
    HHI (normalized)         0.17238951
    Cramer's V               0.89619441
    Quality score            0.00000000

  Significance tests

    Bin A  Bin B  t-statistic      p-value  P[A > B]     P[B > A]
        0      1     1.547799 2.134607e-01  0.832082 1.679183e-01
        0      4     1.401336 2.365000e-01  0.822661 1.773392e-01
        0      5    17.418530 2.998882e-05  0.977759 2.224079e-02
        1      2     6.599481 1.020085e-02  0.983958 1.604164e-02
        1      6    24.864348 6.150953e-07  0.999999 1.269024e-06
        1      8    21.600000 3.358518e-06  0.999997 3.065628e-06
        2      3    15.607452 7.794679e-05  0.999984 1.596851e-05
        2      6     2.430556 1.189907e-01  0.954856 4.514395e-02
        3     12     2.181916 1.396405e-01  0.865053 1.349470e-01
        4      5     3.180288 7.453157e-02  0.903885 9.611469e-02
        4      7     5.243333 2.203102e-02  0.940065 5.993476e-02
        4     10    15.060326 1.041290e-04  0.999472 5.281334e-04
        4     13    24.385177 7.887324e-07  1.000000 2.478198e-08
        5      1     2.931633 8.685961e-02  0.101859 8.981415e-01
        5      7     0.104167 7.468856e-01  0.625007 3.749931e-01
        6      3     3.857143 4.953461e-02  0.966923 3.307725e-02
        6      9     0.883838 3.471525e-01  0.848618 1.513821e-01
        7      8     1.040344 3.077415e-01  0.878999 1.210008e-01
        7     10     0.350765 5.536802e-01  0.762036 2.379644e-01
        8      9     2.081713 1.490728e-01  0.948990 5.101023e-02
        8     11     0.016204 8.987079e-01  0.550579 4.494212e-01
        9      3     0.540234 4.623359e-01  0.740855 2.591449e-01
        9     12     7.198597 7.296061e-03  0.948279 5.172121e-02
       10     11     0.424735 5.145836e-01  0.753507 2.464934e-01
       10     14     0.578763 4.467977e-01  0.791467 2.085325e-01
       11     12    45.057860 1.912979e-11  0.999999 8.195706e-07
       11     15     3.434842 6.383469e-02  0.973833 2.616650e-02
       13     14     0.368304 5.439304e-01  0.741788 2.582125e-01
       14     15     2.251838 1.334558e-01  0.933081 6.691866e-02
       15     12     9.013449 2.680002e-03  0.988496 1.150434e-02

The OptimalBinning2D can print overview information about the options settings, problem statistics, and the solution of the computation. Use print_level=2, to include the list of all options.

optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Begin options
    name_x                       mean radius   * U
    name_y                   worst concavity   * U
    dtype_x                        numerical   * d
    dtype_y                        numerical   * d
    prebinning_method                   cart   * d
    strategy                            grid   * d
    solver                                cp   * d
    divergence                            iv   * d
    max_n_prebins_x                        5   * d
    max_n_prebins_y                        5   * d
    min_prebin_size_x                   0.05   * d
    min_prebin_size_y                   0.05   * d
    min_n_bins                            no   * d
    max_n_bins                            no   * d
    min_bin_size                          no   * d
    max_bin_size                          no   * d
    min_bin_n_nonevent                    no   * d
    max_bin_n_nonevent                    no   * d
    min_bin_n_event                       no   * d
    max_bin_n_event                       no   * d
    monotonic_trend_x                     no   * d
    monotonic_trend_y                     no   * d
    min_event_rate_diff_x                  0   * d
    min_event_rate_diff_y                  0   * d
    gamma                                  0   * d
    special_codes_x                       no   * d
    special_codes_y                       no   * d
    split_digits                          no   * d
    n_jobs                                 1   * d
    time_limit                           100   * d
    verbose                            False   * d
  End options

  Name    : mean radius-worst concavity
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                    25
    Number of refinements                 17

  Solver statistics
    Type                                  cp
    Number of booleans                    10
    Number of branches                    24
    Number of conflicts                    0
    Objective value                  7632473
    Best objective bound             7632473

    Total time                          0.06 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  0.55%)
    Pre-binning                         0.00 sec   (  4.77%)
    Solver                              0.05 sec   ( 90.56%)
      model generation                  0.05 sec   ( 84.84%)
      optimizer                         0.01 sec   ( 15.16%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  3.21%)

Event rate / WoE monotonicity

The monotonic_trend_x and monotonic_trend_y options permit forcing a monotonic trend to the event rate curve on each axis. By default, both options are set to None. There are two options available: “ascending” and “descending”. In this example, we force both trends to be “descending”, and a minimum bin size of 0.025 (2.5%).

optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2, monotonic_trend_x="descending",
                        monotonic_trend_y="descending", min_bin_size=0.025)
optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(min_bin_size=0.025, monotonic_trend_x='descending',
                 monotonic_trend_y='descending', name_x='mean radius',
                 name_y='worst concavity')
Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 13.70) (-inf, 0.21) 219 0.384886 1 218 0.995434 -4.863346 2.946834 0.199430
1 [13.70, 15.05) (-inf, 0.21) 37 0.065026 1 36 0.972973 -3.062369 0.294365 0.026948
2 [15.05, 16.93) (-inf, 0.32) 22 0.038664 13 9 0.409091 0.888874 0.032098 0.003885
3 [16.93, inf) (-inf, 0.32) 21 0.036907 20 1 0.047619 3.516882 0.321930 0.027320
4 (-inf, 13.09) [0.21, 0.38) 48 0.084359 1 47 0.979167 -3.328998 0.422569 0.037010
5 [13.09, 15.05) [0.21, 0.32) 27 0.047452 7 20 0.740741 -0.528673 0.012161 0.001503
6 [13.09, 15.05) [0.32, 0.38) 19 0.033392 10 9 0.473684 0.626510 0.013758 0.001692
7 [15.05, inf) [0.32, inf) 129 0.226714 128 1 0.007752 5.373180 3.229133 0.201294
8 (-inf, 13.70) [0.38, inf) 30 0.052724 16 14 0.466667 0.654681 0.023736 0.002915
9 [13.70, 15.05) [0.38, inf) 17 0.029877 15 2 0.117647 2.536053 0.165230 0.016450
10 Special Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
11 Missing Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 569 1.000000 212 357 0.627417 7.461814 0.518447
OptimalBinning: Binary Binning Table 2D Analysis

  General metrics

    Gini index               0.95655621
    IV (Jeffrey)             7.46181417
    JS (Jensen-Shannon)      0.51844733
    Hellinger                0.65109672
    Triangular               1.57873476
    KS                       0.72434068
    HHI                      0.22077705
    HHI (normalized)         0.14993861
    Cramer's V               0.88274577
    Quality score            0.00000000

  Significance tests

    Bin A  Bin B  t-statistic      p-value  P[A > B]     P[B > A]
        0      1     2.060028 1.512074e-01  0.858293 1.417071e-01
        0      4     1.401336 2.365000e-01  0.822661 1.773392e-01
        0      5    49.557596 1.926326e-12  1.000000 3.782008e-11
        1      2    24.238873 8.509727e-07  1.000000 9.439925e-09
        1      5     7.696840 5.531760e-03  0.998790 1.209527e-03
        2      3     7.865847 5.037723e-03  0.999413 5.874914e-04
        2      7    48.954531 2.619654e-12  1.000000 6.888954e-10
        3      7     2.181916 1.396405e-01  0.865053 1.349470e-01
        4      5    10.308808 1.323968e-03  0.999676 3.238203e-04
        4      6    25.345514 4.792657e-07  1.000000 1.762382e-08
        4      8    28.448939 9.620246e-08  1.000000 4.164320e-10
        5      2     5.519682 1.880367e-02  0.992461 7.538668e-03
        5      6     3.413773 6.465445e-02  0.970465 2.953487e-02
        6      7    57.065224 4.215951e-14  1.000000 1.266293e-10
        6      8     0.002300 9.617489e-01  0.518436 4.815645e-01
        6      9     5.359977 2.060404e-02  0.994187 5.812630e-03
        8      9     5.886891 1.525401e-02  0.996741 3.258617e-03
        9      7     9.013449 2.680002e-03  0.988496 1.150434e-02

Reduction of dominating bins

To produce more homogeneous bins, the formulation includes a constraint to reduce the difference between the largest and smallest bin. The added regularization parameter gamma controls the importance of the reduction term. Larger values specify stronger regularization.

optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2, gamma=600)

optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(gamma=600, name_x='mean radius', name_y='worst concavity')
Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 13.09) (-inf, 0.21) 195 0.342707 1 194 0.994872 -4.746709 2.557054 0.176405
1 [13.09, 16.93) (-inf, 0.26) 89 0.156415 8 81 0.910112 -1.793858 0.339317 0.037510
2 [16.93, inf) (-inf, inf) 118 0.207381 117 1 0.008475 5.283323 2.900997 0.183436
3 (-inf, 13.09) [0.21, inf) 70 0.123023 12 58 0.828571 -1.054387 0.111619 0.013340
4 [13.09, 16.93) [0.26, inf) 97 0.170475 74 23 0.237113 1.689720 0.480947 0.053853
5 Special Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
6 Missing Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 569 1.000000 212 357 0.627417 6.389933 0.464545

Missing data and special codes

For this example, let’s load data from the FICO Explainable Machine Learning Challenge: https://community.fico.com/s/explainable-machine-learning-challenge

df = pd.read_csv("data/FICO_challenge/heloc_dataset_v1.csv", sep=",")

The data dictionary of this challenge includes three special values/codes:

  • -9 No Bureau Record or No Investigation

  • -8 No Usable/Valid Trades or Inquiries

  • -7 Condition not Met (e.g. No Inquiries, No Delinquencies)

All three special codes are considered for both variables.

special_codes_x = [-9, -8, -7]
special_codes_y = [-9, -8, -7]
variable1 = "AverageMInFile"
variable2 = "MSinceOldestTradeOpen"
x = df[variable1].values
y = df[variable2].values
z = df.RiskPerformance.values

mask = z == "Bad"
z[mask] = 1
z[~mask] = 0
z = z.astype(int)

For the sake of completeness, we include a few missing values

idx = np.random.randint(0, len(x), 500)
x = x.astype(float)
x[idx] = np.nan
optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(monotonic_trend_y='ascending', name_x='AverageMInFile',
                 name_y='MSinceOldestTradeOpen', special_codes_x=[-9, -8, -7],
                 special_codes_y=[-9, -8, -7])
Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 48.50) (-inf, inf) 1556 0.148289 374 1182 0.759640 -1.063165 0.150230 0.017941
1 [48.50, 64.50) (-inf, 184.50) 1215 0.115791 480 735 0.604938 -0.338542 0.013050 0.001623
2 [64.50, 81.50) (-inf, inf) 2193 0.208996 1086 1107 0.504788 0.068390 0.000979 0.000122
3 [81.50, 101.50) (-inf, inf) 1957 0.186505 1118 839 0.428717 0.374629 0.026085 0.003242
4 [101.50, inf) (-inf, inf) 1898 0.180882 1205 693 0.365121 0.640748 0.072809 0.008949
5 [48.50, 64.50) [184.50, inf) 360 0.034309 140 220 0.611111 -0.364442 0.004472 0.000556
6 Special Special 827 0.078814 375 452 0.546554 -0.099213 0.000773 0.000097
7 Missing Missing 487 0.046412 239 248 0.509240 0.050578 0.000119 0.000015
Totals 10493 1.000000 5017 5476 0.521872 0.268516 0.032545

Note that the special and missing bins are not included in the plot above.

Strategy CART (Experimental)

In this last section, provide guidance to handle large grids. These large grids are generated when the parameters max_n_prebins_* increase (the default value is set to 5). The performance of the optimization solvers CP and MIP is instance dependent. Based on experiments, the CP solver tends to perform better on very large grids, but on small and medium sizes the MIP can be often faster.

10 prebins (100 grid elements)

variable1 = "ExternalRiskEstimate"
variable2 = "AverageMInFile"
x = df[variable1].values
y = df[variable2].values
optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
                        max_n_prebins_x=10, max_n_prebins_y=10,
optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(max_n_prebins_x=10, max_n_prebins_y=10, min_bin_size=0.05,
                 monotonic_trend_x='descending', monotonic_trend_y='descending',
                 name_x='ExternalRiskEstimate', name_y='AverageMInFile',
                 special_codes_x=[-9, -8, -7], special_codes_y=[-9, -8, -7])
Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 63.50) (-inf, 54.50) 749 0.071613 87 662 0.883845 -1.941530 0.201662 0.021871
1 [63.50, 70.50) (-inf, 54.50) 765 0.073143 187 578 0.755556 -1.040638 0.071263 0.008527
2 [70.50, 78.50) (-inf, 64.50) 815 0.077923 343 472 0.579141 -0.231421 0.004134 0.000516
3 [78.50, 80.50) (-inf, inf) 588 0.056220 405 183 0.311224 0.882229 0.041886 0.005072
4 [80.50, inf) (-inf, 74.50) 563 0.053829 405 158 0.280639 1.029120 0.053573 0.006416
5 (-inf, 59.50) [54.50, inf) 746 0.071326 131 615 0.824397 -1.458597 0.126107 0.014500
6 [59.50, 67.50) [54.50, 81.50) 828 0.079166 213 615 0.742754 -0.972502 0.068132 0.008196
7 [67.50, 70.50) [54.50, inf) 735 0.070274 309 426 0.579592 -0.233270 0.003787 0.000472
8 [70.50, 75.50) [64.50, inf) 1049 0.100296 596 453 0.431840 0.362176 0.013117 0.001631
9 [75.50, 78.50) [64.50, inf) 549 0.052491 372 177 0.322404 0.830572 0.034864 0.004237
10 [80.50, 84.50) [74.50, inf) 668 0.063868 528 140 0.209581 1.415282 0.113158 0.013071
11 [84.50, inf) [74.50, inf) 1080 0.103260 917 163 0.150926 1.815185 0.278705 0.030726
12 [59.50, 67.50) [81.50, inf) 726 0.069414 240 486 0.669421 -0.617742 0.025344 0.003119
13 Special Special 598 0.057176 267 331 0.553512 -0.127042 0.000919 0.000115
14 Missing Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 10459 1.000000 5000 5459 0.521943 1.036652 0.118468
optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Name    : ExternalRiskEstimate-AverageMInFile
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                   100
    Number of refinements                844

  Solver statistics
    Type                                  cp
    Number of booleans                  2154
    Number of branches                 19433
    Number of conflicts                 8439
    Objective value                  1098271
    Best objective bound             1098271

    Total time                         11.72 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  0.04%)
    Pre-binning                         0.02 sec   (  0.14%)
    Solver                             11.69 sec   ( 99.75%)
      model generation                  2.96 sec   ( 25.30%)
      optimizer                         8.73 sec   ( 74.70%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.02%)

optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
                        max_n_prebins_x=10, max_n_prebins_y=10,
optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(max_n_prebins_x=10, max_n_prebins_y=10, min_bin_size=0.05,
                 monotonic_trend_x='descending', monotonic_trend_y='descending',
                 name_x='ExternalRiskEstimate', name_y='AverageMInFile',
                 solver='mip', special_codes_x=[-9, -8, -7],
                 special_codes_y=[-9, -8, -7])
optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Name    : ExternalRiskEstimate-AverageMInFile
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                   100
    Number of refinements                844

  Solver statistics
    Type                                 mip
    Number of variables                 1596
    Number of constraints               2181
    Objective value                   1.0983
    Best objective bound              1.0983

    Total time                          5.78 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  0.06%)
    Pre-binning                         0.02 sec   (  0.28%)
    Solver                              5.75 sec   ( 99.53%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.03%)

In this case, the MIP solver reduces the CPU time by 40%. The default strategy to perform refinements is set to strategy="grid". Alternatively, when setting strategy="cart", a decision tree is used to reduce the space search by merging not relevant pre-bins. This procedure accelerates the solution of the optimization problem at the expense of worsening the total IV.

optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
                        solver="cp", strategy="cart",
                        max_n_prebins_x=10, max_n_prebins_y=10,
optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(max_n_prebins_x=10, max_n_prebins_y=10, min_bin_size=0.05,
                 monotonic_trend_x='descending', monotonic_trend_y='descending',
                 name_x='ExternalRiskEstimate', name_y='AverageMInFile',
                 special_codes_x=[-9, -8, -7], special_codes_y=[-9, -8, -7],
Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 63.50) (-inf, 54.50) 749 0.071613 87 662 0.883845 -1.941530 0.201662 0.021871
1 [63.50, 73.50) (-inf, 48.50) 768 0.073430 181 587 0.764323 -1.088700 0.077656 0.009254
2 [73.50, 80.50) (-inf, 64.50) 620 0.059279 324 296 0.477419 0.178212 0.001885 0.000235
3 [80.50, inf) (-inf, 74.50) 563 0.053829 405 158 0.280639 1.029120 0.053573 0.006416
4 [63.50, 73.50) [48.50, 64.50) 661 0.063199 235 426 0.644478 -0.507026 0.015736 0.001946
5 (-inf, 59.50) [54.50, inf) 746 0.071326 131 615 0.824397 -1.458597 0.126107 0.014500
6 [59.50, 63.50) [54.50, inf) 683 0.065303 176 507 0.742313 -0.970199 0.055955 0.006732
7 [63.50, 70.50) [64.50, inf) 1314 0.125633 488 826 0.628615 -0.438452 0.023549 0.002920
8 [70.50, 75.50) [64.50, inf) 1049 0.100296 596 453 0.431840 0.362176 0.013117 0.001631
9 [75.50, 80.50) [64.50, inf) 960 0.091787 665 295 0.307292 0.900639 0.071115 0.008601
10 [80.50, 84.50) [74.50, inf) 668 0.063868 528 140 0.209581 1.415282 0.113158 0.013071
11 [84.50, inf) [74.50, inf) 1080 0.103260 917 163 0.150926 1.815185 0.278705 0.030726
12 Special Special 598 0.057176 267 331 0.553512 -0.127042 0.000919 0.000115
13 Missing Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 10459 1.000000 5000 5459 0.521943 1.033139 0.118019
optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Name    : ExternalRiskEstimate-AverageMInFile
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                   100
    Number of refinements               2802

  Solver statistics
    Type                                  cp
    Number of booleans                   145
    Number of branches                  1962
    Number of conflicts                  594
    Objective value                  1094546
    Best objective bound             1094546

    Total time                          0.57 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  0.40%)
    Pre-binning                         0.02 sec   (  4.13%)
    Solver                              0.55 sec   ( 95.19%)
      model generation                  0.38 sec   ( 68.68%)
      optimizer                         0.17 sec   ( 31.32%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.15%)

We get a 21x speedup at the cost of -0.34% reduction in IV.

20 prebins (400 grid elements)

optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
                        max_n_prebins_x=20, max_n_prebins_y=20,
optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(max_n_prebins_x=20, max_n_prebins_y=20, min_bin_size=0.05,
                 monotonic_trend_x='descending', monotonic_trend_y='descending',
                 name_x='ExternalRiskEstimate', name_y='AverageMInFile',
                 special_codes_x=[-9, -8, -7], special_codes_y=[-9, -8, -7])
Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 63.50) (-inf, 54.50) 749 0.071613 87 662 0.883845 -1.941530 0.201662 0.021871
1 [63.50, 75.50) (-inf, 41.50) 571 0.054594 141 430 0.753065 -1.027198 0.051944 0.006222
2 [75.50, 87.50) (-inf, 64.50) 698 0.066737 413 285 0.408309 0.458786 0.013944 0.001728
3 [87.50, inf) (-inf, inf) 616 0.058897 524 92 0.149351 1.827531 0.160726 0.017692
4 [63.50, 67.50) [41.50, 74.50) 550 0.052586 154 396 0.720000 -0.856634 0.035757 0.004338
5 [67.50, 73.50) [41.50, 64.50) 548 0.052395 194 354 0.645985 -0.513611 0.013378 0.001654
6 [73.50, 75.50) [41.50, inf) 552 0.052778 314 238 0.431159 0.364950 0.007008 0.000871
7 (-inf, 59.50) [54.50, inf) 746 0.071326 131 615 0.824397 -1.458597 0.126107 0.014500
8 [59.50, 63.50) [54.50, inf) 683 0.065303 176 507 0.742313 -0.970199 0.055955 0.006732
9 [67.50, 70.50) [64.50, inf) 599 0.057271 256 343 0.572621 -0.204725 0.002381 0.000297
10 [70.50, 73.50) [64.50, inf) 639 0.061096 354 285 0.446009 0.304635 0.005664 0.000705
11 [75.50, 80.50) [64.50, inf) 960 0.091787 665 295 0.307292 0.900639 0.071115 0.008601
12 [80.50, 84.50) [64.50, inf) 814 0.077828 636 178 0.218673 1.361243 0.128764 0.014958
13 [84.50, 87.50) [64.50, inf) 606 0.057941 510 96 0.158416 1.757890 0.148391 0.016478
14 [63.50, 67.50) [74.50, inf) 530 0.050674 178 352 0.664151 -0.594020 0.017156 0.002113
15 Special Special 598 0.057176 267 331 0.553512 -0.127042 0.000919 0.000115
16 Missing Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 10459 1.000000 5000 5459 0.521943 1.040872 0.118874
optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Name    : ExternalRiskEstimate-AverageMInFile
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                   168
    Number of refinements               2524

  Solver statistics
    Type                                  cp
    Number of booleans                  5616
    Number of branches                 25469
    Number of conflicts                13345
    Objective value                  1102734
    Best objective bound             1102734

    Total time                         41.69 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  0.01%)
    Pre-binning                         0.02 sec   (  0.04%)
    Solver                             41.64 sec   ( 99.88%)
      model generation                 16.30 sec   ( 39.13%)
      optimizer                        25.35 sec   ( 60.87%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.01%)

optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
                        max_n_prebins_x=20, max_n_prebins_y=20,
optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(max_n_prebins_x=20, max_n_prebins_y=20, min_bin_size=0.05,
                 monotonic_trend_x='descending', monotonic_trend_y='descending',
                 name_x='ExternalRiskEstimate', name_y='AverageMInFile',
                 solver='mip', special_codes_x=[-9, -8, -7],
                 special_codes_y=[-9, -8, -7])
optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Name    : ExternalRiskEstimate-AverageMInFile
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                   168
    Number of refinements               2524

  Solver statistics
    Type                                 mip
    Number of variables                 4098
    Number of constraints               5666
    Objective value                   1.1027
    Best objective bound              1.1027

    Total time                         51.33 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  0.01%)
    Pre-binning                         0.02 sec   (  0.04%)
    Solver                             51.28 sec   ( 99.91%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.01%)

optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
                        solver="cp", strategy="cart",
                        max_n_prebins_x=20, max_n_prebins_y=20,
optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(max_n_prebins_x=20, max_n_prebins_y=20, min_bin_size=0.05,
                 monotonic_trend_x='descending', monotonic_trend_y='descending',
                 name_x='ExternalRiskEstimate', name_y='AverageMInFile',
                 special_codes_x=[-9, -8, -7], special_codes_y=[-9, -8, -7],
Bin x Bin y Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 63.50) (-inf, 54.50) 749 0.071613 87 662 0.883845 -1.941530 0.201662 0.021871
1 [63.50, 67.50) (-inf, 69.50) 713 0.068171 182 531 0.744741 -0.982928 0.059831 0.007192
2 [67.50, 73.50) (-inf, 64.50) 811 0.077541 263 548 0.675709 -0.646294 0.030883 0.003795
3 [73.50, 80.50) (-inf, 64.50) 620 0.059279 324 296 0.477419 0.178212 0.001885 0.000235
4 [80.50, 84.50) (-inf, 97.50) 726 0.069414 533 193 0.265840 1.103659 0.078631 0.009359
5 [84.50, inf) (-inf, 97.50) 615 0.058801 511 104 0.169106 1.679806 0.139674 0.015658
6 (-inf, 59.50) [54.50, inf) 746 0.071326 131 615 0.824397 -1.458597 0.126107 0.014500
7 [59.50, 63.50) [54.50, inf) 683 0.065303 176 507 0.742313 -0.970199 0.055955 0.006732
8 [67.50, 70.50) [64.50, inf) 599 0.057271 256 343 0.572621 -0.204725 0.002381 0.000297
9 [70.50, 75.50) [64.50, inf) 1049 0.100296 596 453 0.431840 0.362176 0.013117 0.001631
10 [75.50, 80.50) [64.50, inf) 960 0.091787 665 295 0.307292 0.900639 0.071115 0.008601
11 [63.50, 67.50) [69.50, inf) 620 0.059279 203 417 0.672581 -0.632053 0.022620 0.002781
12 [80.50, inf) [97.50, inf) 970 0.092743 806 164 0.169072 1.680045 0.220351 0.024702
13 Special Special 598 0.057176 267 331 0.553512 -0.127042 0.000919 0.000115
14 Missing Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 10459 1.000000 5000 5459 0.521943 1.025133 0.117469
optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Name    : ExternalRiskEstimate-AverageMInFile
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                   168
    Number of refinements               8046

  Solver statistics
    Type                                  cp
    Number of booleans                    51
    Number of branches                   127
    Number of conflicts                    5
    Objective value                  1086067
    Best objective bound             1086067

    Total time                          0.74 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  0.53%)
    Pre-binning                         0.02 sec   (  3.00%)
    Solver                              0.71 sec   ( 96.12%)
      model generation                  0.69 sec   ( 97.08%)
      optimizer                         0.02 sec   (  2.92%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.19%)

We get a 58x speedup at the cost of -1.51% reduction in IV. The following table summarizes performance improvements:


CP + grid

MIP + grid

CP + cart

Speedup CP

Speed MIP

10 (100)

11.40 s

5.97 s

0.69 s



20 (400)

52.76 s

52.93 s

0.74 s



Categorical variables

The combination of categorical-categorical and numerical-categorical are supported since version 0.15.0.

df = pd.read_csv("data/kaggle/HomeCreditDefaultRisk/application_train.csv",

Case categorical-categorical

variable2 = "NAME_INCOME_TYPE"
x = df[variable1].values
y = df[variable2].values
z = df["TARGET"].values
optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
                        dtype_x="categorical", dtype_y="categorical",
optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(dtype_x='categorical', dtype_y='categorical', max_n_bins=10,
                 name_x='ORGANIZATION_TYPE', name_y='NAME_INCOME_TYPE')
Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 ['Trade: type 4' 'Industry: type 12' 'Transpor... 55390 0.180124 52408 2982 0.053836 0.433980 0.028327 0.003513
1 ['Trade: type 4' 'Industry: type 12' 'Transpor... 11442 0.037208 10891 551 0.048156 0.551472 0.009006 0.001112
2 ['Hotel' 'Industry: type 10' 'Medicine' 'Servi... 23267 0.075662 21865 1402 0.060257 0.314502 0.006564 0.000817
3 ['Housing' 'Industry: type 7' 'Business Entity... 38863 0.126379 35966 2897 0.074544 0.086413 0.000910 0.000114
4 ['Security' 'Industry: type 4' 'Self-employed'... 19748 0.064219 17989 1759 0.089072 -0.107471 0.000776 0.000097
5 ['Trade: type 4' 'Industry: type 12' 'Transpor... 10624 0.034548 9981 643 0.060523 0.309808 0.002914 0.000363
6 ['Hotel' 'Industry: type 10' 'Medicine' 'Servi... 35568 0.115664 32792 2776 0.078048 0.036688 0.000153 0.000019
7 ['Housing' 'Industry: type 7' 'Business Entity... 69102 0.224714 62197 6905 0.099925 -0.234425 0.013626 0.001699
8 ['Security' 'Industry: type 4' 'Self-employed'... 31207 0.101483 27795 3412 0.109334 -0.334928 0.013102 0.001630
9 ['Agriculture' 'Realtor' 'Industry: type 3' 'I... 12300 0.039999 10802 1498 0.121789 -0.456885 0.010111 0.001253
10 Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
11 Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 307511 1.000000 282686 24825 0.080729 0.085490 0.010617
([array(['Trade: type 4', 'Industry: type 12', 'Transport: type 1',
         'Trade: type 6', 'Security Ministries', 'University', 'Police',
         'Military', 'Bank', 'XNA', 'Culture', 'Insurance', 'Religion',
         'School', 'Trade: type 5', 'Hotel', 'Industry: type 10',
         'Medicine', 'Services', 'Electricity', 'Industry: type 9',
         'Industry: type 5', 'Government', 'Trade: type 2', 'Kindergarten',
         'Emergency', 'Industry: type 6', 'Industry: type 2', 'Telecom',
         'Other', 'Transport: type 2', 'Legal Services', 'Housing',
         'Industry: type 7', 'Business Entity Type 1', 'Advertising',
         'Postal', 'Business Entity Type 2', 'Industry: type 11',
         'Trade: type 1', 'Mobile', 'Transport: type 4',
         'Business Entity Type 3', 'Trade: type 7', 'Security',
         'Industry: type 4', 'Self-employed', 'Trade: type 3',
         'Agriculture', 'Realtor', 'Industry: type 3', 'Industry: type 1',
         'Cleaning', 'Construction', 'Restaurant', 'Industry: type 8',
         'Industry: type 13', 'Transport: type 3'], dtype=object),
  array(['Trade: type 4', 'Industry: type 12', 'Transport: type 1',
         'Trade: type 6', 'Security Ministries', 'University', 'Police',
         'Military', 'Bank', 'XNA', 'Culture', 'Insurance', 'Religion',
         'School', 'Trade: type 5'], dtype=object),
  array(['Hotel', 'Industry: type 10', 'Medicine', 'Services',
         'Electricity', 'Industry: type 9', 'Industry: type 5',
         'Government', 'Trade: type 2', 'Kindergarten', 'Emergency',
         'Industry: type 6', 'Industry: type 2', 'Telecom', 'Other',
         'Transport: type 2', 'Legal Services'], dtype=object),
  array(['Housing', 'Industry: type 7', 'Business Entity Type 1',
         'Advertising', 'Postal', 'Business Entity Type 2',
         'Industry: type 11', 'Trade: type 1', 'Mobile',
         'Transport: type 4', 'Business Entity Type 3', 'Trade: type 7'],
  array(['Security', 'Industry: type 4', 'Self-employed', 'Trade: type 3',
         'Agriculture', 'Realtor', 'Industry: type 3', 'Industry: type 1',
         'Cleaning', 'Construction', 'Restaurant', 'Industry: type 8',
         'Industry: type 13', 'Transport: type 3'], dtype=object),
  array(['Trade: type 4', 'Industry: type 12', 'Transport: type 1',
         'Trade: type 6', 'Security Ministries', 'University', 'Police',
         'Military', 'Bank', 'XNA', 'Culture', 'Insurance', 'Religion',
         'School', 'Trade: type 5'], dtype=object),
  array(['Hotel', 'Industry: type 10', 'Medicine', 'Services',
         'Electricity', 'Industry: type 9', 'Industry: type 5',
         'Government', 'Trade: type 2', 'Kindergarten', 'Emergency',
         'Industry: type 6', 'Industry: type 2', 'Telecom', 'Other',
         'Transport: type 2', 'Legal Services'], dtype=object),
  array(['Housing', 'Industry: type 7', 'Business Entity Type 1',
         'Advertising', 'Postal', 'Business Entity Type 2',
         'Industry: type 11', 'Trade: type 1', 'Mobile',
         'Transport: type 4', 'Business Entity Type 3', 'Trade: type 7'],
  array(['Security', 'Industry: type 4', 'Self-employed', 'Trade: type 3'],
  array(['Agriculture', 'Realtor', 'Industry: type 3', 'Industry: type 1',
         'Cleaning', 'Construction', 'Restaurant', 'Industry: type 8',
         'Industry: type 13', 'Transport: type 3'], dtype=object)],
 [array(['Businessman', 'Student', 'Pensioner'], dtype=object),
  array(['State servant', 'Commercial associate'], dtype=object),
  array(['State servant', 'Commercial associate'], dtype=object),
  array(['State servant', 'Commercial associate'], dtype=object),
  array(['State servant', 'Commercial associate'], dtype=object),
  array(['Working', 'Unemployed', 'Maternity leave'], dtype=object),
  array(['Working', 'Unemployed', 'Maternity leave'], dtype=object),
  array(['Working', 'Unemployed', 'Maternity leave'], dtype=object),
  array(['Working', 'Unemployed', 'Maternity leave'], dtype=object),
  array(['Working', 'Unemployed', 'Maternity leave'], dtype=object)])
z_transform_woe = optb.transform(x, y, metric="woe")
-0.234425    69102
 0.433980    55390
 0.086413    38863
 0.036688    35568
-0.334928    31207
 0.314502    23267
-0.107471    19748
-0.456885    12300
 0.551472    11442
 0.309808    10624
dtype: int64
z_transform_indices = optb.transform(x, y, metric="indices")
7    69102
0    55390
3    38863
6    35568
8    31207
2    23267
4    19748
9    12300
1    11442
5    10624
dtype: int64

Case numerical-categorical

variable1 = "AMT_INCOME_TOTAL"
variable2 = "NAME_INCOME_TYPE"
x = df[variable1].values
y = df[variable2].values
optb = OptimalBinning2D(name_x=variable1, name_y=variable2,
                        dtype_x="numerical", dtype_y="categorical",
optb.fit(x, y, z)
OptimalBinning2D(dtype_y='categorical', monotonic_trend_x='descending',
                 monotonic_trend_y='ascending', name_x='AMT_INCOME_TOTAL',
Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 184511.25) $\cup$ ['Businessman' 'Stude... 45526 0.148047 43045 2481 0.054496 0.421099 0.022037 0.002734
1 [184511.25, 232717.50) $\cup$ ['Businessman' '... 5400 0.017560 5121 279 0.051667 0.477408 0.003283 0.000407
2 [232717.50, 310950.00) $\cup$ ['Businessman' '... 4955 0.016113 4723 232 0.046821 0.580977 0.004277 0.000527
3 [310950.00, inf) $\cup$ ['Businessman' 'Studen... 3723 0.012107 3570 153 0.041096 0.717397 0.004638 0.000568
4 (-inf, 76477.50) $\cup$ ['State servant'] 1299 0.004224 1206 93 0.071594 0.129979 0.000068 0.000008
5 [76477.50, 184511.25) $\cup$ ['State servant'] 12623 0.041049 11820 803 0.063614 0.256708 0.002430 0.000303
6 [184511.25, 232717.50) $\cup$ ['State servant'] 3567 0.011600 3377 190 0.053266 0.445233 0.001911 0.000237
7 (-inf, 76477.50) $\cup$ ['Commercial associate'] 1917 0.006234 1734 183 0.095462 -0.183786 0.000227 0.000028
8 [76477.50, 184511.25) $\cup$ ['Commercial asso... 39005 0.126841 35809 3196 0.081938 -0.016186 0.000033 0.000004
9 [184511.25, 232717.50) $\cup$ ['Commercial ass... 12996 0.042262 12079 917 0.070560 0.145631 0.000843 0.000105
10 [232717.50, 310950.00) $\cup$ ['Commercial ass... 8090 0.026308 7558 532 0.065760 0.221233 0.001174 0.000146
11 [310950.00, inf) $\cup$ ['Commercial associate'] 9609 0.031248 9077 532 0.055365 0.404370 0.004319 0.000536
12 (-inf, 76477.50) $\cup$ ['Working' 'Unemployed... 10879 0.035378 9786 1093 0.100469 -0.240459 0.002263 0.000282
13 [76477.50, 184511.25) $\cup$ ['Working' 'Unemp... 104920 0.341191 94465 10455 0.099647 -0.231336 0.020121 0.002510
14 [184511.25, 232717.50) $\cup$ ['Working' 'Unem... 22580 0.073428 20492 2088 0.092471 -0.148658 0.001727 0.000216
15 [232717.50, 310950.00) $\cup$ ['Working' 'Unem... 11666 0.037937 10688 978 0.083833 -0.041118 0.000065 0.000008
16 [310950.00, inf) $\cup$ ['Working' 'Unemployed... 8756 0.028474 8136 620 0.070809 0.141849 0.000540 0.000067
17 Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
18 Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 307511 1.000000 282686 24825 0.080729 0.069958 0.008688
z_transform_woe = optb.transform(x, y, metric="woe")
-0.231336    104920
 0.421099     45526
-0.016186     39005
-0.148658     22580
 0.145631     12996
 0.256708     12623
-0.041118     11666
-0.240459     10879
 0.404370      9609
 0.141849      8756
 0.221233      8090
 0.477408      5400
 0.580977      4955
 0.717397      3723
 0.445233      3567
-0.183786      1917
 0.129979      1299
dtype: int64
z_transform_indices = optb.transform(x, y, metric="indices")
13    104920
0      45526
8      39005
14     22580
9      12996
5      12623
15     11666
12     10879
11      9609
16      8756
10      8090
1       5400
2       4955
3       3723
6       3567
7       1917
4       1299
dtype: int64