Tutorial: Scorecard with binary target

In this tutorial, we use the dataset from the FICO Explainable Machine Learning Challenge: https://community.fico.com/s/explainable-machine-learning-challenge. The goal is to develop a scorecard using the logistic regression as an estimator.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

from optbinning import BinningProcess
from optbinning import Scorecard
from optbinning.scorecard import plot_auc_roc, plot_cap, plot_ks

Download the dataset from the link above and load it.

df = pd.read_csv("data/FICO_challenge/heloc_dataset_v1.csv", sep=",")
variable_names = list(df.columns[1:])
X = df[variable_names]

Transform the categorical dichotomic target variable into numerical.

target = "RiskPerformance"
y = df[target].values
mask = y == "Bad"
y[mask] = 1
y[~mask] = 0
y = y.astype(int)
RiskPerformance ExternalRiskEstimate MSinceOldestTradeOpen MSinceMostRecentTradeOpen AverageMInFile NumSatisfactoryTrades NumTrades60Ever2DerogPubRec NumTrades90Ever2DerogPubRec PercentTradesNeverDelq MSinceMostRecentDelq ... PercentInstallTrades MSinceMostRecentInqexcl7days NumInqLast6M NumInqLast6Mexcl7days NetFractionRevolvingBurden NetFractionInstallBurden NumRevolvingTradesWBalance NumInstallTradesWBalance NumBank2NatlTradesWHighUtilization PercentTradesWBalance
0 1 55 144 4 84 20 3 0 83 2 ... 43 0 0 0 33 -8 8 1 1 69
1 1 61 58 15 41 2 4 4 100 -7 ... 67 0 0 0 0 -8 0 -8 -8 0
2 1 67 66 5 24 9 0 0 100 -7 ... 44 0 4 4 53 66 4 2 1 86
3 1 66 169 1 73 28 1 1 93 76 ... 57 0 5 4 72 83 6 4 3 91
4 1 81 333 27 132 12 0 0 100 -7 ... 25 0 1 1 51 89 3 1 0 80

5 rows × 24 columns

Scorecard development

This dataset includes three special values/codes:

  • -9 No Bureau Record or No Investigation

  • -8 No Usable/Valid Trades or Inquiries

  • -7 Condition not Met (e.g. No Inquiries, No Delinquencies)

special_codes = [-9, -8, -7]

We specify a selection criteria in terms of the Information Value (IV) predictiveness and minimum quality score to remove low-quality variables. Then, we instantiate a BinningProcess object class with variable names, special codes and selection criteria.

selection_criteria = {
    "iv": {"min": 0.02, "max": 1},
    "quality_score": {"min": 0.01}
binning_process = BinningProcess(variable_names, special_codes=special_codes,

We select as an estimator a logistic regression to be solved using the non-linear solver L-BFGS-B.

estimator = LogisticRegression(solver="lbfgs")

Finally, we instantiate a Scorecard class with the target name, a binning process object, and an estimator. In addition, we want to apply a scaling method to the scorecard points.

scorecard = Scorecard(binning_process=binning_process,
                      estimator=estimator, scaling_method="min_max",
                      scaling_method_params={"min": 300, "max": 850})
scorecard.fit(X, y, show_digits=4)
/home/gui/projects/github/top/optbinning/optbinning/binning/transformations.py:38: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
  return np.log((1. / event_rate - 1) * n_event / n_nonevent)
Scorecard(binning_process=BinningProcess(selection_criteria={'iv': {'max': 1,
                                                                    'min': 0.02},
                                                             'quality_score': {'min': 0.01}},
                                         special_codes=[-9, -8, -7],
          estimator=LogisticRegression(), scaling_method='min_max',
          scaling_method_params={'max': 850, 'min': 300})

Similar to other objects in OptBinning, we can print overview information about the options settings, problems statistics, and the number of selected variables after the binning process. With these settings, using the selection criteria, 4 variables are removed.

optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Begin options
    binning_process                      yes   * U
    estimator                            yes   * U
    scaling_method                   min_max   * U
    scaling_method_params                yes   * U
    intercept_based                    False   * d
    reverse_scorecard                  False   * d
    rounding                           False   * d
    verbose                            False   * d
  End options

    Number of records                  10459
    Number of variables                   23
    Target type                       binary

    Number of numerical                   23
    Number of categorical                  0
    Number of selected                    19

    Total time                          3.28 sec
    Binning process                     2.62 sec   ( 79.92%)
    Estimator                           0.25 sec   (  7.70%)
    Build scorecard                     0.41 sec   ( 12.36%)
      rounding                          0.00 sec   (  0.00%)

The method table returns the scorecard table. A scorecard table has a wide range of real-world business applications, being an interpretable tool to summarize relationships among variables. The scorecard table can handle binary and continuous targets. Two scorecard styles are available: style="summary" shows the variable name, and their corresponding bins and assigned points; style="detailed" adds information from the corresponding binning table.

Variable Bin Points
0 ExternalRiskEstimate (-inf, 59.5000) 5.359275
1 ExternalRiskEstimate [59.5000, 63.5000) 11.598078
2 ExternalRiskEstimate [63.5000, 65.5000) 18.168973
3 ExternalRiskEstimate [65.5000, 67.5000) 19.821705
4 ExternalRiskEstimate [67.5000, 70.5000) 25.498720
... ... ... ...
8 PercentTradesWBalance [80.5000, 87.5000) 32.310289
9 PercentTradesWBalance [87.5000, 98.0000) 32.026880
10 PercentTradesWBalance [98.0000, inf) 31.928758
11 PercentTradesWBalance Special 32.738612
12 PercentTradesWBalance Missing 32.738612

164 rows × 3 columns

Variable Bin id Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS Coefficient Points
0 ExternalRiskEstimate 0 (-inf, 59.5000) 1081 0.103356 166 915 0.846438 -1.619109 0.217629 0.024574 -0.327969 5.359275
1 ExternalRiskEstimate 1 [59.5000, 63.5000) 1097 0.104886 228 869 0.792160 -1.250170 0.142003 0.016678 -0.327969 11.598078
2 ExternalRiskEstimate 2 [63.5000, 65.5000) 681 0.065111 190 491 0.720999 -0.861592 0.044754 0.005427 -0.327969 18.168973
3 ExternalRiskEstimate 3 [65.5000, 67.5000) 652 0.062339 195 457 0.700920 -0.763856 0.034156 0.004169 -0.327969 19.821705
4 ExternalRiskEstimate 4 [67.5000, 70.5000) 1038 0.099245 388 650 0.626204 -0.428139 0.017755 0.002203 -0.327969 25.498720
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
8 PercentTradesWBalance 8 [80.5000, 87.5000) 797 0.076202 283 514 0.644918 -0.508949 0.019114 0.002364 -0.016322 32.310289
9 PercentTradesWBalance 9 [87.5000, 98.0000) 652 0.062339 184 468 0.717791 -0.845705 0.041380 0.005024 -0.016322 32.026880
10 PercentTradesWBalance 10 [98.0000, inf) 1277 0.122096 331 946 0.740799 -0.962296 0.103054 0.012407 -0.016322 31.928758
11 PercentTradesWBalance 11 Special 606 0.057941 269 337 0.556106 -0.137544 0.001091 0.000136 -0.016322 32.738612
12 PercentTradesWBalance 12 Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.016322 32.738612

164 rows × 13 columns

We can check the correctness of the scaling method as follows

sc = scorecard.table(style="summary")
sc.groupby("Variable").agg({'Points' : [np.min, np.max]}).sum()
Points  amin    300.0
        amax    850.0
dtype: float64

Scorecard performance

Compute predicted probabilities of the fitted estimator.

y_pred = scorecard.predict_proba(X)[:, 1]
/home/gui/projects/github/top/optbinning/optbinning/binning/transformations.py:38: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
  return np.log((1. / event_rate - 1) * n_event / n_nonevent)

Plot Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC ROC).

plot_auc_roc(y, y_pred)

Plot Cumulative Accuracy Profile (CAP).

plot_cap(y, y_pred)

Plot Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS).

plot_ks(y, y_pred)

Calculate the score of the dataset and plot distribution of scores for event and non-event records.

score = scorecard.score(X)
mask = y == 0
plt.hist(score[mask], label="non-event", color="b", alpha=0.35)
plt.hist(score[~mask], label="event", color="r", alpha=0.35)