Tutorial: optimal binning with binary target


To get us started, let’s load a well-known dataset from the UCI repository and transform the data into a pandas.DataFrame.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
data = load_breast_cancer()
df = pd.DataFrame(data.data, columns=data.feature_names)

We choose a variable to discretize and the binary target.

variable = "mean radius"
x = df[variable].values
y = data.target

Import and instantiate an OptimalBinning object class. We pass the variable name, its data type, and a solver, in this case, we choose the constraint programming solver.

from optbinning import OptimalBinning
optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable, dtype="numerical", solver="cp")

We fit the optimal binning object with arrays x and y.

optb.fit(x, y)
OptimalBinning(name='mean radius')

You can check if an optimal solution has been found via the status attribute:


You can also retrieve the optimal split points via the splits attribute:

array([11.42500019, 12.32999992, 13.09499979, 13.70499992, 15.04500008,

The binning table

The optimal binning algorithms return a binning table; a binning table displays the binned data and several metrics for each bin. Class OptimalBinning returns an object BinningTable via the binning_table attribute.

binning_table = optb.binning_table

The binning_table is instantiated, but not built. Therefore, the first step is to call the method build, which returns a pandas.DataFrame.

Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 11.43) 118 0.207381 3 115 0.974576 -3.125170 0.962483 0.087205
1 [11.43, 12.33) 79 0.138840 3 76 0.962025 -2.710972 0.538763 0.052198
2 [12.33, 13.09) 68 0.119508 7 61 0.897059 -1.643814 0.226599 0.025513
3 [13.09, 13.70) 49 0.086116 10 39 0.795918 -0.839827 0.052131 0.006331
4 [13.70, 15.05) 83 0.145870 28 55 0.662651 -0.153979 0.003385 0.000423
5 [15.05, 16.93) 54 0.094903 44 10 0.185185 2.002754 0.359566 0.038678
6 [16.93, inf) 118 0.207381 117 1 0.008475 5.283323 2.900997 0.183436
7 Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
8 Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 569 1.000000 212 357 0.627417 5.043925 0.393784

Let’s describe the columns of this binning table:

  • Bin: the intervals delimited by the optimal split points.

  • Count: the number of records for each bin.

  • Count (%): the percentage of records for each bin.

  • Non-event: the number of non-event records \((y = 0)\) for each bin.

  • Event: the number of event records \((y = 1)\) for each bin.

  • Event rate: the percentage of event records for each bin.

  • WoE: the Weight-of-Evidence for each bin.

  • IV: the Information Value (also known as Jeffrey’s divergence) for each bin.

  • JS: the Jensen-Shannon divergence for each bin.

The last row shows the total number of records, non-event records, event records, and IV and JS.

You can use the method plot to visualize the histogram and WoE or event rate curve. Note that the Bin ID corresponds to the binning table index.


Note that WoE is inversely related to the event rate, i.e., a monotonically ascending event rate ensures a monotonically descending WoE and vice-versa. We will see more monotonic trend options in the advanced tutorial.

Event rate / WoE transformation

Now that we have checked the binned data, we can transform our original data into WoE or event rate values. You can check the correctness of the transformation using pandas value_counts method, for instance.

x_transform_woe = optb.transform(x, metric="woe")
-3.125170    118
 5.283323    118
-0.153979     83
-2.710972     79
-1.643814     68
 2.002754     54
-0.839827     49
dtype: int64
x_transform_event_rate = optb.transform(x, metric="event_rate")
0.974576    118
0.008475    118
0.662651     83
0.962025     79
0.897059     68
0.185185     54
0.795918     49
dtype: int64
x_transform_indices = optb.transform(x, metric="indices")
0    118
6    118
4     83
1     79
2     68
5     54
3     49
dtype: int64
x_transform_bins = optb.transform(x, metric="bins")
(-inf, 11.43)     118
[16.93, inf)      118
[13.70, 15.05)     83
[11.43, 12.33)     79
[12.33, 13.09)     68
[15.05, 16.93)     54
[13.09, 13.70)     49
dtype: int64

Categorical variable

Let’s load the application_train.csv file from the Kaggle’s competition https://www.kaggle.com/c/home-credit-default-risk/data.

df_cat = pd.read_csv("data/kaggle/HomeCreditDefaultRisk/application_train.csv",
variable_cat = "NAME_INCOME_TYPE"
x_cat = df_cat[variable_cat].values
y_cat = df_cat.TARGET.values
Working                 158774
Commercial associate     71617
Pensioner                55362
State servant            21703
Unemployed                  22
Student                     18
Businessman                 10
Maternity leave              5
Name: NAME_INCOME_TYPE, dtype: int64

We instantiate an OptimalBinning object class with the variable name, its data type (categorical) and a solver, in this case, we choose the mixed-integer programming solver. Also, for this particular example, we set a cat_cutoff=0.1 to create bin others with categories in which the percentage of occurrences is below 10%. This will merge categories State servant, Unemployed, Student, Businessman and Maternity leave.

optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable_cat, dtype="categorical", solver="mip",
optb.fit(x_cat, y_cat)
OptimalBinning(cat_cutoff=0.1, dtype='categorical', name='NAME_INCOME_TYPE',

The optimal split points are the list of classes belonging to each bin.

[array(['Pensioner'], dtype=object),
 array(['Commercial associate'], dtype=object),
 array(['Working'], dtype=object),
 array(['State servant', 'Unemployed', 'Student', 'Businessman',
        'Maternity leave'], dtype=object)]
binning_table = optb.binning_table
Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 [Pensioner] 55362 0.180033 52380 2982 0.053864 0.433445 0.028249 0.003504
1 [Commercial associate] 71617 0.232892 66257 5360 0.074843 0.082092 0.001516 0.000189
2 [Working] 158774 0.516320 143550 15224 0.095885 -0.188675 0.019895 0.002483
3 [State servant, Unemployed, Student, Businessm... 21758 0.070755 20499 1259 0.057864 0.357573 0.007795 0.000969
4 Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
5 Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 307511 1.000000 282686 24825 0.080729 0.057455 0.007146

You can use the method plot to visualize the histogram and WoE or event rate curve. Note that for categorical variables the optimal bins are always monotonically ascending with respect to the event rate. Finally, note that bin 3 corresponds to bin others and is represented by using a lighter color.


Same as for the numerical dtype, we can transform our original data into WoE or event rate values. Since version 0.17.1, if cat_unknown is None (default), transformation of unobserved categories during training follows this rule:

  • if transform metric == 'woe' then woe(mean event rate) = 0

  • if transform metric == 'event_rate' then mean event rate

  • if transform metric == 'indices' then -1

  • if transform metric == 'bins' then ‘unknown’

x_new = ["Businessman", "Working", "New category"]
x_transform_woe = optb.transform(x_new, metric="woe")
pd.DataFrame({variable_cat: x_new, "WoE": x_transform_woe})
0 Businessman 0.357573
1 Working -0.188675
2 New category 0.000000
x_transform_event_rate = optb.transform(x_new, metric="event_rate")
pd.DataFrame({variable_cat: x_new, "Event rate": x_transform_event_rate})
0 Businessman 0.057864
1 Working 0.095885
2 New category 0.080729
x_transform_bins = optb.transform(x_new, metric="bins")
pd.DataFrame({variable_cat: x_new, "Bin": x_transform_bins})
0 Businessman ['State servant' 'Unemployed' 'Student' 'Busin...
1 Working ['Working']
2 New category unknown
x_transform_indices = optb.transform(x_new, metric="indices")
pd.DataFrame({variable_cat: x_new, "Index": x_transform_indices})
0 Businessman 3
1 Working 2
2 New category -1


Optimal binning Information

The OptimalBinning can print overview information about the options settings, problem statistics, and the solution of the computation. By default, print_level=1.

optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable, dtype="numerical", solver="mip")
optb.fit(x, y)
OptimalBinning(name='mean radius', solver='mip')

If print_level=0, a minimal output including the header, variable name, status, and total time are printed.

optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Name    : mean radius
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Time    : 0.0316  sec

If print_level>=1, statistics on the pre-binning phase and the solver are printed. More detailed timing statistics are also included.

optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Name    : mean radius
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                     9
    Number of refinements                  1

  Solver statistics
    Type                                 mip
    Number of variables                   85
    Number of constraints                 45
    Objective value                   5.0439
    Best objective bound              5.0439

    Total time                          0.03 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  0.73%)
    Pre-binning                         0.00 sec   ( 10.39%)
    Solver                              0.03 sec   ( 87.59%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.31%)

If print_level=2, the list of all options of the OptimalBinning are displayed. The output contains the option name, its current value and an indicator for how it was set. The unchanged options from the default settings are noted by “d”, and the options set by the user changed from the default settings are noted by “U”. This is inspired by the NAG solver e04mtc printed output, see https://www.nag.co.uk/numeric/cl/nagdoc_cl26/html/e04/e04mtc.html#fcomments.

optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Begin options
    name                         mean radius   * U
    dtype                          numerical   * d
    prebinning_method                   cart   * d
    solver                               mip   * U
    divergence                            iv   * d
    max_n_prebins                         20   * d
    min_prebin_size                     0.05   * d
    min_n_bins                            no   * d
    max_n_bins                            no   * d
    min_bin_size                          no   * d
    max_bin_size                          no   * d
    min_bin_n_nonevent                    no   * d
    max_bin_n_nonevent                    no   * d
    min_bin_n_event                       no   * d
    max_bin_n_event                       no   * d
    monotonic_trend                     auto   * d
    min_event_rate_diff                    0   * d
    max_pvalue                            no   * d
    max_pvalue_policy            consecutive   * d
    gamma                                  0   * d
    class_weight                          no   * d
    cat_cutoff                            no   * d
    cat_unknown                           no   * d
    user_splits                           no   * d
    user_splits_fixed                     no   * d
    special_codes                         no   * d
    split_digits                          no   * d
    mip_solver                           bop   * d
    time_limit                           100   * d
    verbose                            False   * d
  End options

  Name    : mean radius
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                     9
    Number of refinements                  1

  Solver statistics
    Type                                 mip
    Number of variables                   85
    Number of constraints                 45
    Objective value                   5.0439
    Best objective bound              5.0439

    Total time                          0.03 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  0.73%)
    Pre-binning                         0.00 sec   ( 10.39%)
    Solver                              0.03 sec   ( 87.59%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.31%)

Binning table statistical analysis

The analysis method performs a statistical analysis of the binning table, computing the statistics Gini index, Information Value (IV), Jensen-Shannon divergence, and the quality score. Additionally, several statistical significance tests between consecutive bins of the contingency table are performed: a frequentist test using the Chi-square test or the Fisher’s exact test, and a Bayesian A/B test using the beta distribution as a conjugate prior of the Bernoulli distribution.

OptimalBinning: Binary Binning Table Analysis

  General metrics

    Gini index               0.12175489
    IV (Jeffrey)             0.05745546
    JS (Jensen-Shannon)      0.00714565
    Hellinger                0.00716372
    Triangular               0.02843984
    KS                       0.08364544
    HHI                      0.35824301
    HHI (normalized)         0.22989161
    Cramer's V               0.06007763
    Quality score            0.18240827

  Monotonic trend                  peak

  Significance tests

    Bin A  Bin B  t-statistic      p-value     P[A > B]  P[B > A]
        0      1   223.890188 1.281939e-50 4.799305e-71       1.0
        1      2   268.591060 2.301360e-60 6.289833e-76       1.0

OptimalBinning: Binary Binning Table Analysis

  General metrics

    Gini index               0.12175489
    IV (Jeffrey)             0.05745546
    JS (Jensen-Shannon)      0.00714565
    Hellinger                0.00716372
    Triangular               0.02843984
    KS                       0.08364544
    HHI                      0.35824301
    HHI (normalized)         0.22989161
    Cramer's V               0.06007763
    Quality score            0.18240827

  Monotonic trend                  peak

  Significance tests

    Bin A  Bin B  odd ratio      p-value     P[A > B]  P[B > A]
        0      1   1.420990 2.091361e-51 4.799305e-71       1.0
        1      2   1.310969 4.434577e-62 6.289833e-76       1.0

Event rate / WoE monotonicity

The monotonic_trend option permits forcing a monotonic trend to the event rate curve. The default setting “auto” should be the preferred option, however, some business constraints might require to impose different trends. The default setting “auto” chooses the monotonic trend most likely to maximize the information value from the options “ascending”, “descending”, “peak” and “valley” using a machine-learning-based classifier.

variable = "mean texture"
x = df[variable].values
y = data.target
optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable, dtype="numerical", solver="cp")
optb.fit(x, y)
OptimalBinning(name='mean texture')
binning_table = optb.binning_table
Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 15.05) 92 0.161687 4 88 0.956522 -2.569893 0.584986 0.057939
1 [15.05, 16.39) 61 0.107206 8 53 0.868852 -1.369701 0.151658 0.017602
2 [16.39, 17.03) 29 0.050967 6 23 0.793103 -0.822585 0.029715 0.003613
3 [17.03, 18.46) 79 0.138840 17 62 0.784810 -0.772772 0.072239 0.008812
4 [18.46, 19.47) 55 0.096661 20 35 0.636364 -0.038466 0.000142 0.000018
5 [19.47, 20.20) 36 0.063269 18 18 0.500000 0.521150 0.017972 0.002221
6 [20.20, 21.71) 72 0.126538 43 29 0.402778 0.915054 0.111268 0.013443
7 [21.71, 22.74) 40 0.070299 27 13 0.325000 1.252037 0.113865 0.013371
8 [22.74, 24.00) 29 0.050967 24 5 0.172414 2.089765 0.207309 0.022035
9 [24.00, 26.98) 43 0.075571 30 13 0.302326 1.357398 0.142656 0.016578
10 [26.98, inf) 33 0.057996 15 18 0.545455 0.338828 0.006890 0.000857
11 Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
12 Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 569 1.000000 212 357 0.627417 1.438701 0.156488

For example, we can force the variable mean texture to be monotonically descending with respect to the probability of having breast cancer.

optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable, dtype="numerical", solver="cp",
optb.fit(x, y)
OptimalBinning(monotonic_trend='descending', name='mean texture')
binning_table = optb.binning_table

Reduction of dominating bins

Version 0.3.0 introduced a new constraint to produce more homogeneous solutions by reducing a concentration metric such as the difference between the largest and smallest bin. The added regularization parameter gamma controls the importance of the reduction term. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Continuing with the previous example

optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable, dtype="numerical", solver="cp",
                      monotonic_trend="descending", gamma=0.5)
optb.fit(x, y)
OptimalBinning(gamma=0.5, monotonic_trend='descending', name='mean texture')
binning_table = optb.binning_table

Note that the new solution produces more homogeneous bins, removing the dominance of bin 7 previously observed.

User-defined split points

In some situations, we have defined split points or bins required to satisfy a priori belief, knowledge or business constraint. The OptimalBinning permits to pass user-defined split points for numerical variables and user-defined bins for categorical variables. The supplied information is used as a pre-binning, disallowing any pre-binning method set by the user. Furthermore, version 0.5.0 introduces user_splits_fixed parameter, to allow the user to fix some user-defined splits, so these must appear in the solution.

Example numerical variable:

user_splits =       [  14,    15,    16,    17,    20,    21,    22,    27]
user_splits_fixed = [False, True,  True, False, False, False, False, False]
optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable, dtype="numerical", solver="mip",
                      user_splits=user_splits, user_splits_fixed=user_splits_fixed)

optb.fit(x, y)
OptimalBinning(name='mean texture', solver='mip',
               user_splits=[14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27],
               user_splits_fixed=array([False,  True,  True, False, False, False, False, False]))
binning_table = optb.binning_table
Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 14.00) 54 0.094903 2 52 0.962963 -2.736947 0.372839 0.035974
1 [14.00, 15.00) 37 0.065026 2 35 0.945946 -2.341051 0.207429 0.021268
2 [15.00, 16.00) 43 0.075571 7 36 0.837209 -1.116459 0.075720 0.009002
3 [16.00, 20.00) 210 0.369069 59 151 0.719048 -0.418593 0.060557 0.007515
4 [20.00, 21.00) 45 0.079086 26 19 0.422222 0.834807 0.057952 0.007041
5 [21.00, 22.00) 49 0.086116 30 19 0.387755 0.977908 0.086338 0.010382
6 [22.00, 27.00) 99 0.173989 71 28 0.282828 1.451625 0.372304 0.042839
7 [27.00, inf) 32 0.056239 15 17 0.531250 0.395986 0.009161 0.001138
8 Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
9 Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 569 1.000000 212 357 0.627417 1.242301 0.135158
optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Name    : mean texture
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                     9
    Number of refinements                  0

  Solver statistics
    Type                                 mip
    Number of variables                  137
    Number of constraints                 55
    Objective value                   1.2423
    Best objective bound              1.2423

    Total time                          0.07 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  0.26%)
    Pre-binning                         0.00 sec   (  1.50%)
    Solver                              0.07 sec   ( 97.15%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.18%)

Example categorical variable:

user_splits = np.array([
               ['Commercial associate'],
               ['Pensioner', 'Maternity leave'],
               ['State servant'],
               ['Unemployed', 'Student']], dtype=object)
optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable_cat, dtype="categorical", solver="cp",
                      user_splits_fixed=[False, True, True, True, True, True])

optb.fit(x_cat, y_cat)
OptimalBinning(dtype='categorical', name='NAME_INCOME_TYPE',
               user_splits=array([list(['Working']), list(['Commercial associate']),
       list(['Pensioner', 'Maternity leave']), list(['State servant']),
       list(['Unemployed', 'Student'])], dtype=object),
               user_splits_fixed=array([ True,  True,  True,  True,  True]))
binning_table = optb.binning_table
Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 [Businessman, Pensioner, Maternity leave] 55377 0.180081 52393 2984 0.053885 0.433023 0.028206 0.003499
1 [State servant] 21703 0.070576 20454 1249 0.057550 0.363350 0.008010 0.000996
2 [Commercial associate] 71617 0.232892 66257 5360 0.074843 0.082092 0.001516 0.000189
3 [Working] 158774 0.516320 143550 15224 0.095885 -0.188675 0.019895 0.002483
4 [Unemployed, Student] 40 0.000130 32 8 0.200000 -1.046191 0.000219 0.000026
5 Special 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
6 Missing 0 0.000000 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Totals 307511 1.000000 282686 24825 0.080729 0.057846 0.007193
optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                     5
    Number of refinements                  1

  Solver statistics
    Type                                  cp
    Number of booleans                     0
    Number of branches                     0
    Number of conflicts                    0
    Objective value                    57843
    Best objective bound               57843

    Total time                          0.28 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.04 sec   ( 16.31%)
    Pre-binning                         0.22 sec   ( 79.89%)
    Solver                              0.01 sec   (  3.57%)
      model generation                  0.01 sec   ( 87.30%)
      optimizer                         0.00 sec   ( 12.70%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.02%)

Performance: choosing a solver

For small problems, say less than max_n_prebins<=20, the solver="mip" tends to be faster than solver="cp". However, for medium and large problems, experiments show the contrary. For very large problems, we recommend the use of the commercial solver LocalSolver via solver="ls". See the specific LocalSolver tutorial.

Missing data and special codes

For this example, let’s load data from the FICO Explainable Machine Learning Challenge: https://community.fico.com/s/explainable-machine-learning-challenge

df = pd.read_csv("data/FICO_challenge/heloc_dataset_v1.csv", sep=",")

The data dictionary of this challenge includes three special values/codes:

  • -9 No Bureau Record or No Investigation

  • -8 No Usable/Valid Trades or Inquiries

  • -7 Condition not Met (e.g. No Inquiries, No Delinquencies)

special_codes = [-9, -8, -7]
variable = "AverageMInFile"
x = df[variable].values
y = df.RiskPerformance.values
array(['Bad', 'Good'], dtype=object)

Target is a categorical dichotomic variable, which can be easily transform into numerical.

mask = y == "Bad"
y[mask] = 1
y[~mask] = 0
y = y.astype(int)

For the sake of completeness, we include a few missing values

idx = np.random.randint(0, len(x), 500)
x = x.astype(float)
x[idx] = np.nan
optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable, dtype="numerical", solver="mip",

optb.fit(x, y)
OptimalBinning(name='AverageMInFile', solver='mip', special_codes=[-9, -8, -7])
optbinning (Version 0.19.0)
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Guillermo Navas-Palencia, Apache License 2.0

  Name    : AverageMInFile
  Status  : OPTIMAL

  Pre-binning statistics
    Number of pre-bins                    13
    Number of refinements                  0

  Solver statistics
    Type                                 mip
    Number of variables                  174
    Number of constraints                 91
    Objective value                   0.3235
    Best objective bound              0.3235

    Total time                          0.10 sec
    Pre-processing                      0.00 sec   (  3.77%)
    Pre-binning                         0.01 sec   (  8.61%)
    Solver                              0.09 sec   ( 86.93%)
    Post-processing                     0.00 sec   (  0.11%)

binning_table = optb.binning_table
Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 30.50) 549 0.052491 98 451 0.821494 -1.438672 0.090659 0.010446
1 [30.50, 48.50) 1044 0.099818 286 758 0.726054 -0.886864 0.072415 0.008766
2 [48.50, 56.50) 698 0.066737 248 450 0.644699 -0.507991 0.016679 0.002063
3 [56.50, 64.50) 928 0.088727 389 539 0.580819 -0.238309 0.004989 0.000622
4 [64.50, 69.50) 661 0.063199 301 360 0.544629 -0.091166 0.000524 0.000065
5 [69.50, 74.50) 679 0.064920 327 352 0.518409 0.014157 0.000013 0.000002
6 [74.50, 81.50) 901 0.086146 466 435 0.482797 0.156667 0.002117 0.000264
7 [81.50, 101.50) 1987 0.189980 1129 858 0.431807 0.362311 0.024865 0.003091
8 [101.50, 116.50) 865 0.082704 540 325 0.375723 0.595572 0.028865 0.003556
9 [116.50, inf) 1089 0.104121 706 383 0.351699 0.699408 0.049686 0.006087
10 Special 565 0.054020 253 312 0.552212 -0.121786 0.000798 0.000100
11 Missing 493 0.047136 257 236 0.478702 0.173072 0.001414 0.000177
Totals 10459 1.000000 5000 5459 0.521943 0.293024 0.035239

Note the dashed bins 10 and 11, corresponding to the special codes bin and the missing bin, respectively.


Treat special codes separately

Version 0.13.0 introduced the option to pass a dictionary of special codes to treat them separately. This feature provides more flexibility to the modeller. Note that a special code can be a single value or a list of values, for example, a combination of several special values.

special_codes = {'special_1': -9, "special_2": -8, "special_3": -7}

x[10:20] = -8
x[100:105] = -7

optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable, dtype="numerical", solver="mip",

optb.fit(x, y)
OptimalBinning(name='AverageMInFile', solver='mip',
               special_codes={'special_1': -9, 'special_2': -8,
                              'special_3': -7})
Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 30.50) 548 0.052395 98 450 0.821168 -1.436452 0.090256 0.010402
1 [30.50, 48.50) 1042 0.099627 285 757 0.726488 -0.889046 0.072608 0.008788
2 [48.50, 56.50) 698 0.066737 248 450 0.644699 -0.507991 0.016679 0.002063
3 [56.50, 64.50) 927 0.088632 389 538 0.580367 -0.236452 0.004907 0.000612
4 [64.50, 69.50) 658 0.062912 301 357 0.542553 -0.082798 0.000430 0.000054
5 [69.50, 74.50) 679 0.064920 327 352 0.518409 0.014157 0.000013 0.000002
6 [74.50, 81.50) 899 0.085955 466 433 0.481646 0.161276 0.002239 0.000280
7 [81.50, 101.50) 1984 0.189693 1128 856 0.431452 0.363759 0.025025 0.003111
8 [101.50, 116.50) 865 0.082704 540 325 0.375723 0.595572 0.028865 0.003556
9 [116.50, inf) 1087 0.103930 705 382 0.351426 0.700605 0.049760 0.006096
10 special_1 565 0.054020 253 312 0.552212 -0.121786 0.000798 0.000100
11 special_2 10 0.000956 2 8 0.800000 -1.298467 0.001383 0.000162
12 special_3 5 0.000478 2 3 0.600000 -0.317637 0.000048 0.000006
13 Missing 492 0.047041 256 236 0.479675 0.169173 0.001348 0.000168
Totals 10459 1.000000 5000 5459 0.521943 0.294358 0.035398
special_codes = {'special_1': -9, "special_comb": [-7, -8]}

optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable, dtype="numerical", solver="mip",

optb.fit(x, y)
OptimalBinning(name='AverageMInFile', solver='mip',
               special_codes={'special_1': -9, 'special_comb': [-7, -8]})
Bin Count Count (%) Non-event Event Event rate WoE IV JS
0 (-inf, 30.50) 548 0.052395 98 450 0.821168 -1.436452 0.090256 0.010402
1 [30.50, 48.50) 1042 0.099627 285 757 0.726488 -0.889046 0.072608 0.008788
2 [48.50, 56.50) 698 0.066737 248 450 0.644699 -0.507991 0.016679 0.002063
3 [56.50, 64.50) 927 0.088632 389 538 0.580367 -0.236452 0.004907 0.000612
4 [64.50, 69.50) 658 0.062912 301 357 0.542553 -0.082798 0.000430 0.000054
5 [69.50, 74.50) 679 0.064920 327 352 0.518409 0.014157 0.000013 0.000002
6 [74.50, 81.50) 899 0.085955 466 433 0.481646 0.161276 0.002239 0.000280
7 [81.50, 101.50) 1984 0.189693 1128 856 0.431452 0.363759 0.025025 0.003111
8 [101.50, 116.50) 865 0.082704 540 325 0.375723 0.595572 0.028865 0.003556
9 [116.50, inf) 1087 0.103930 705 382 0.351426 0.700605 0.049760 0.006096
10 special_1 565 0.054020 253 312 0.552212 -0.121786 0.000798 0.000100
11 special_comb 15 0.001434 4 11 0.733333 -0.923773 0.001122 0.000136
12 Missing 492 0.047041 256 236 0.479675 0.169173 0.001348 0.000168
Totals 10459 1.000000 5000 5459 0.521943 0.294050 0.035366

Version 0.15.1 added the option show_bin_labels to show the bin label instead of the bin id on the x-axis.

optb.binning_table.plot(metric="event_rate", show_bin_labels=True)

Verbosity option

For debugging purposes, we can print information on each step of the computation by triggering the verbose option.

optb = OptimalBinning(name=variable, dtype="numerical", solver="mip", verbose=True)
optb.fit(x, y)
2024-01-14 23:33:34,971 | INFO : Optimal binning started.
2024-01-14 23:33:34,973 | INFO : Options: check parameters.
2024-01-14 23:33:34,976 | INFO : Pre-processing started.
2024-01-14 23:33:34,977 | INFO : Pre-processing: number of samples: 10459
2024-01-14 23:33:34,981 | INFO : Pre-processing: number of clean samples: 9967
2024-01-14 23:33:34,982 | INFO : Pre-processing: number of missing samples: 492
2024-01-14 23:33:34,984 | INFO : Pre-processing: number of special samples: 0
2024-01-14 23:33:34,985 | INFO : Pre-processing terminated. Time: 0.0021s
2024-01-14 23:33:34,987 | INFO : Pre-binning started.
2024-01-14 23:33:35,003 | INFO : Pre-binning: number of prebins: 15
2024-01-14 23:33:35,004 | INFO : Pre-binning: number of refinements: 0
2024-01-14 23:33:35,005 | INFO : Pre-binning terminated. Time: 0.0144s
2024-01-14 23:33:35,006 | INFO : Optimizer started.
2024-01-14 23:33:35,008 | INFO : Optimizer: classifier predicts descending monotonic trend.
2024-01-14 23:33:35,010 | INFO : Optimizer: monotonic trend set to descending.
2024-01-14 23:33:35,011 | INFO : Optimizer: build model...
2024-01-14 23:33:35,122 | INFO : Optimizer: solve...
2024-01-14 23:33:35,126 | INFO : Optimizer terminated. Time: 0.1194s
2024-01-14 23:33:35,128 | INFO : Post-processing started.
2024-01-14 23:33:35,130 | INFO : Post-processing: compute binning information.
2024-01-14 23:33:35,133 | INFO : Post-processing terminated. Time: 0.0002s
2024-01-14 23:33:35,135 | INFO : Optimal binning terminated. Status: OPTIMAL. Time: 0.1640s
OptimalBinning(name='AverageMInFile', solver='mip', verbose=True)